On my fourteenth birthday, I was promised to a very wealthy man... A domineering man. A powerful man. On that day, the first of two transactions were made with my very unloving parents.
I became his possession. Something to own. Something to keep. An object intended only for his desire, his pleasure, and his ... indulgence.
Although promised to this man, I at least remained safe ... untouched ... pure. I was to be his and his alone.
On my eighteenth birthday, the second transaction took place.
I escaped... But he came for me. Now, I'm his. He owns my body and my soul.
And, as if all of that wasn't enough, he wants to own my heart too.
I’m trying to resist him—trying to fight that irresistible monster inside of him. But, as with everything else in my life, nothing is ever that easy.
Warning: Contains graphic scenes with sexual assault content. Please proceed with caution.
For five million pounds, my freedom was stripped away from me.

Drake Salvatore is a force to be reckoned with in his city. No one messes with Drake, and if they do, they pay. Evelyn has been the apple of his eye since her early preteen years and Drake can’t wait until her 18th birthday to call her his. HIS: because Drake always gets what he wants.
Evelyn grew up unloved by her greedy and fastidious parents but grew to appreciate the care she received from a kind man, Drake. Only when she learns he bought her does she rebel against the man who has always seen to her needs. As Evelyn struggles with her distaste at being objectified she also can’t escape the ambivalence she feels towards Drake.
He warns her not to think he’s a monster… but sometimes a warning doesn’t prepare…
I’m going to be honest when I first looked into this book I felt a little “eh” as most reviews I browsed from people I follow were negative. But blessed be for negative reviews because I read this anyway and it BLEW MY F*CKING MIND! WOW- what book did everyone else read?! I LOVED this! I was craving a good ol’ fashioned dark romance and this book delivered.
First off, this is a new to me author and she definitely has a style that grips you and gets you invested in the characters. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so much push and pull, resentment and adoration, and overall confusion over my feelings as I read. I FELT what Evelyn felt and it was real, raw, and gritty.
Also, this book blurs the line between dubious and non-consent- it forces the reader to really look into themselves and question the heroine. Not every heroine is destined to hate the anti-hero; not every heroine is mean to be the snarky spit-shooting vixen; some are meant to be different. And I found Evelyn different in many aspects compared to other women characters in this genre. We can’t judge her or her feelings because THEY’RE REAL.

I like to think I can predict a lot of curve balls because I’ve been reading this genre forever butt…that epilogue though Ms. Roberts ya got me! You pulled one over!

Overall a fantastic read, what every dark romance reader needs to remember why the genre is so gripping. Highly recommended- grab the Cabernet cause you’ll need it.
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