On June 28, 1980—the hottest night of the year—Kelly Michelle Lund shoots and kills Oscar-nominated director John McFadden at a party in his home. . . . And instantly becomes a media sensation, her chilling smile fodder for national nightmares. For years, speculation swirls over the enigmatic seventeen-year-old’s motives, information she’s refused to share. Convicted of the murder, she loses her youth and her freedom—but keeps her secrets to herself.
Thirty years later—and five years after her release from prison—the past has come back to haunt Kelly. Her father-in-law, movie legend Sterling Marshall, is found in a pool of blood in his home in the Hollywood Hills—dead from a shot to the head, just like his old friend John McFadden. Once again, Kelly is suspected of the high profile murder. But this time, she’s got some unexpected allies who believe she’s innocent—of both killings—and want to help her clear her name. But is she?
Written with masterful precision and control, What Remains of Me brilliantly moves forward and back in time, playing out the murders side by side—interweaving subtle connections and peeling away layers of events to reveal the shocking truth.
Her bloody wine-smile directly under Kelly on the wall. One of those moments when positioning shows you something you could never put into words.

Not everything in Hollywood is as glitz and glam as it seems.
Released from prison after serving 25 years for murder, Kelly Lund can finally move forward from the events that plagued her youth. However, when another powerful movie exec is murdered in the same manner as Kelly’s murder- she’s once again a suspect and caught in the public eye. Little to her knowledge, secrets can’t be buried forever and there are people behind the scenes looking to clear her name.
I loved the dual timelines of this book as we are thrust into the present with alternate viewpoints from the police, Kelly, and people involved in her past. We also learn over the course of the book more about each person in younger years and how Kelly became entangled with the individuals she did. An accurate portrayal of drug use, rebellion, and wanting to fit in no matter the cost.
Some parts of this book were SOOO frustrating to me because usually I can pick up on clues and make predictions but this one was almost like reading in the dark. For every clue given there was another mystery and potential twist. I STILL didn’t have everything figured out by the last 20 page or so.
However, I do wish there would have been a little more of the big reveals along the way. I felt the end was almost over the top with its reveals. Yes, every thread was tied and figured out, but with so much over so little pages- I think at least one of the big showstoppers should have been earlier in the book.
Overall, this was an absolutely AMAZING crime & psychological thriller. I already have 2 friends lined up to borrow my book- I have to share it with everyone! Not one dull moment & a story that will stay with me for a very long time. 5 stars xx
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