Lost his dolly, his love, his home.
Injured and searching, reborn anew,
He finds himself befriended by one who’s true.
Learning about the world, urges, and lust.
Finding a new future, a new dolly, is a must.
Then out of old pain, fresh prospects come to life,
Benny’s sick mind summons him, so his hand takes the knife.
Have you ever been so lost that you became a shadow? Lurking but not living. Existing in the background where no one notices you.
My doll betrayed me, killed me in more ways than she realized.
I'm watching, waiting, wanting.
One day soon she’ll give me back what she took away…
it’s funny how life works that way.

**WARNING** This Review may contain spoilers if you have not read the first two books in the series!
--> Read my Review of Pretty Stolen Dolls
--> Read my Review of Pretty Lost Dolls

Three years after the fire that supposedly ended in Benny’s death, Detectives Dillon and Jade have made themselves a peaceful, familial life. Jade is expecting baby #2 and Dillon has been a hardworking father and mentor to his ex-boss’ two young twins. Little to their knowledge, Benny hasn’t fully died and escaped the fiery inferno which was meant to send him to the depths of hell.
Following a new associate, Benny reinvents himself and becomes a more polished version of himself. But, can anyone truly ever change? Obsessed with getting his dirty doll back Benny continues to watch and watch from a distance for the right time to fix what he failed at in the past. But what happens when there’s a new doll on the horizon? Will Benny forsake his obsession for something shiny and new?
Her lips twitch as she attempts to hide a smile. Pretty New Doll loves the attention. She practically glows, goddammit. Stunning.

One thing I really liked about this addition is no viewpoint from Jade- I liked how the focus in the series shifted to other characters. It was refreshing to enter some old and some new character viewpoints. One thing that has me on the fence is the change in Benny’s character- I almost felt as if he were a new person instead of the one we had read about before. I felt his over-confidence was a little too much over the top after being so ill and violently childlike in the past books.
Even though Stanton was sent to prison for his involvement and cover-up of Benny- I especially liked the inclusion of his daughters in this addition. Elise is the popular girl, average American teen and Elizabeth the shy bookworm who is unaware of her own strength. I can’t see much more without spoilers but yeahhhh that’s what I’m talking about!
Now I usually enjoy cliffhangers but this one had the MOTHER of all cliffhangers and I felt there were more revelations that should have been included in this book. How does the man who helped Benny connect? That’s one to name that I felt we needed to know. Overall, this was of course a 5 star read and I am super IMPATIENTLY waiting for the next installment!
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